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Ongoing Medical Care

Car accidents can lead to serious injuries that may require ongoing medical care.

ongoing treatment after a car accidentAfter a car accident, you hope that the injuries you have sustained will heal and you can resume your life as it was before a negligent driver crashed into you. This is the result for the majority of car crash victims, but for those who sustain a permanent disability as a result, the lifestyle they loved will be lost forever.

A permanent disability caused by a car accident will have a lasting effect on your quality of life. Especially when the injury is so debilitating that on-going medical care is necessitated. We have experience in cases such as yours and can help in securing the financial resources you will need to pay for that ongoing medical care.

When a car accident results in a permanent disability you are facing the possibility of never being able to work again or enjoy the same hobbies that you are used to. To ensure that the negligent driver is held responsible for causing such losses in your life, you will need an aggressive firm like ours who will push for full compensation for all of your future needs.

Injuries Often Requiring Ongoing Medical Care

There are a variety of injuries that are common in a car accident that can be permanently debilitating. These include:

Traumatic Brain Injuries: An injury to the brain can cause both physical and mental disabilities to the victim of a car accident. Even after the injury has healed, lingering symptoms can still persist.

Spinal Cord Injuries: The trauma of a car accident can cause damage to the spinal column that results in either partial or complete paralysis. Even if the function is restored, years of therapy may be necessary to reach the capabilities you had before the accident. For those who don’t recover, hundreds of thousands of dollars may be necessary for adaptive devices and future medical care.

Internal Organ Damage: The thrust forward that an accident victim endures when his car is struck can result in severe damage to the internal organs, particularly in the abdomen area. These types of injuries can be life-threatening as internal bleeding can become uncontrollable. Organ transplants may be necessary which will result in a lifetime of follow up care and possible secondary surgeries.

Amputation: The loss of a limb is a catastrophic physical injury that can also lead to severe mental anxiety as the car accident victim deals with bouts of depression as a result. The ability to perform normal day to day activities such as driving or picking up your own child may become limited.

Who Should Pay For Medical Expenses After a Car Accident?

Car accidents can involve substantial damages in terms of injuries and property damage. The victims are often left thinking as to who will compensate them for all the losses. St. Louis car accident lawyers inform us that the specific events leading to the accident and financial capabilities of the parties involved will determine who will pay for the expenses associated with the accident.

Common Sources of Settlement For Damages Incurred In Car Accidents

Out-of-pocket expenses – Some people pay for minor damages using their own money. This is typically done when the expenses are not substantial. One may have to approach other sources if the amount involved is higher than what the parties can afford. It will not be necessary to hire a lawyer since the parties involved can represent themselves in these situations.

Automobile insurance company – The insurance contract determines whether the settlement is covered by the insurance company. These contracts usually cover all parties involved in an accident, including the drivers and passengers of the vehicles. These contracts may cover collision repairs, personal injury medical coverage and, in some cases, automobile rental for the time period for which the car is in the workshop for repairs. Since accident premiums increase after an accident, one must try other options before a claim is filed with the insurance company. In case the damages are not substantial, one can consider out-of-pocket payment.

Health insurance providerPersonal injuries incurred in an automobile accident are covered by a private health insurance company or a health maintenance organization. However, there are instances when the health insurance provider may seek recovery from the insurance company before any compensation or medical treatment is provided.

Other parties involved in the accident – Compensation can also be recovered from other parties involved in the accident. The laws of the state where the accident happened will determine who will pay the damages. Some states have no-fault laws, where injuries will be paid by the insurance companies of the parties involved no matter who was a fault. On the other hand, some states have fault laws, where damages are paid by the person responsible for the accident. The person at fault should get in touch with his or her insurance provider if the accident happened in a fault state. The insurance company will defend the insured person during a court hearing, or discuss a settlement with the other parties. The injured person should ask for compensation from the insurance company of the person at fault if the accident happened in a fault state. The insurance company can ask for compensation from the insurance company of the person at fault.

St. Louis Automobile Accident Lawyers

These are just a few of the more serious car accident injuries that will require ongoing care. To ensure that the medical attention you may need will always be available, consult with one of our experienced car accident lawyers as soon as possible after an accident occurs. We will work on gathering the evidence you need to support your claim for compensation.

Our firm will provide you with the dedication your case needs in receiving not only financial compensation for the damages you have already sustained but for those you will have to endure in the future.