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5 Safety Tips for Preventing Car Accidents with Emergency Vehicles


To avoid being involved in an accident involving an emergency vehicle, it is important to keep these tips in mind.

An emergency vehicle driver’s job is to save the lives of St. Louis residents. Unfortunately, people often get into crashes with them. To avoid being involved in such an accident, it is important to keep in mind the following tips.

ambulance on the road

Pull Over Carefully When You Hear Sirens

There are two principles baked into this tip. The first is that you should pull over when you hear sirens. Even if you’re not sure where that vehicle is, getting to the side of the road is always a smart idea, as doing so will give the responders room to operate. The second principle is that you should carry out this action with care. Drivers often pull over without looking to make sure it is safe and end up in an accident of their own.

Keep Your Following Distance High at All Times

Whether the sirens are on or off on an emergency vehicle, you should not tailgate it. The driver needs a lot of room to change directions, switch routes without warning, and conduct many other maneuvers. You being too close could lead to you getting in the way.  

Take Extra Care at Intersections

The most common area where emergency vehicles get into accidents with other drivers is intersections. This trend comes from the fact that these responders often need to run red lights. Though they do so carefully, you could still be hit if you’re not paying attention. The general principle is that you should not enter an intersection if you hear sirens nearby, even if you don’t know precisely where that vehicle is.

Watch Out For Stopped Emergency Vehicles

First responders frequently park in areas that are unsafe. Doing so allows them to give patients the care they need, but also puts them in a compromising situation. The last thing you want to happen is you rear-ending an ambulance or hitting someone that works in it, so be sure to take things slow when you see one parked on the side of the road.

Never Make Assumptions

Emergency vehicle drivers frequently change course and make sudden movements. For this reason, you should never assume that you know where they are going. Instead, get some distance from them and allow them to make a definite move before you make yours.
Emergency vehicle drivers move quickly, run red lights, and do everything they can to keep people alive. You can do your part to help them by following the 5 tips on this list. That way, everyone can stay safe. This outcome is positive for you, the staff of that vehicle, and whoever they are trying to save.

Free Consultation with a St. Louis Car Accident Lawyer

Don’t talk to an insurance claims adjuster before speaking with The Hoffmann Law Firm, L.L.C. We can help you avoid making statements that may affect the outcome of your case. The consultation is free; you don’t pay unless we get you money!

Updated: January 10, 2024