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How Passengers Can Cause Distracted Driving Accidents in St. Louis


Passengers are a leading cause of distracted driving accidents. Here’s why it is important to limit distractions and concentrate on the road at all times.

Some drivers claim they will never be involved in a distracted driving accident simply because they don’t text or call while driving. However, calling and texting while driving is far from the only way you can get into a distracted driving accident. Fixing your hair or makeup while driving could also lead to a distracted driving accident.

driver with passenger in the car

Passengers can also cause distracted driving crashes. In fact, passengers are a leading cause of distracted driving accidents, contributing to more than half of all distracted driving accidents.

Let’s consider a number of ways passengers can cause distracted driving accidents.

Noise Inside the Vehicle

This is especially common with teenagers and young adults driving as a group. The passengers may play loud music or shout, creating a chaotic environment in the car. This chaotic environment can serve as a huge distraction for the driver who’s trying to concentrate on reaching the destination safely.

Imagine a scenario where the passengers play very loud music that drowns out the horn of an oncoming vehicle. Unfortunately, because of all the commotion, the driver doesn’t hear the warning and crashes into the oncoming vehicles.

Physical Distractions

Babies, young children, and pets can be a serious challenge as they generally require a lot of care and attention. Unfortunately, this may distract you from the task at hand, which is arriving at your destination safely.

For instance, imagine you’re driving with your baby, and their pacifier falls off. You reach out to put it back in the baby’s mouth, and you end up losing control of your vehicle. Alternatively, your animal could obstruct your view and cause an auto accident.

Cognitive Distractions

Talkative passengers can be a huge distraction and a leading cause of distracted driving accidents. Likewise, a single passenger riding shotgun can divert your attention from driving in what is known as a cognitive distraction.

Mind Your Passengers While Driving

Clearly, passengers can be a major cause of distracted driving accidents. It is therefore extremely important to limit distractions and concentrate on the road at all times.

If you have been involved in a distracted driving accident due to the negligence of another driver, call The Hoffmann Law Firm, L.L.C. 24/7 for a free case evaluation to learn more about your legal right to compensation.

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Don’t talk to an insurance claims adjuster before speaking with The Hoffmann Law Firm, L.L.C. We can help you avoid making statements that may affect the outcome of your case. The consultation is free; you don’t pay unless we get you money!

Updated: April 26, 2024