The following are a few of the most common mistakes new drivers make, and how to spot them.

Road incidents often happen because of distractions while driving, driving under influence, fatigue, speeding, but also because of inexperience. New drivers are a group of road participants that are generally more prone to being involved in an accident. They lack the experience that would allow them to react to more subtle triggers, plus other advantages that comes with years of driving.
Here are a few of the most common mistakes new drivers make, and how to spot them. Knowing this information can help new drivers engage in a more preventive behavior, and can be used by other drivers to reduce the risks themselves by driving more carefully.
Misreading Road Signs and Road Conditions
Being aware of the road conditions can be crucial for your road safety. Knowing how to recognize black ice or how to read road signs comes with a bit of experience.
New drivers have trouble adapting the speed to the road conditions. There are many reasons why inexperienced drivers tend to speed, such as not being aware of the speed limit, overestimating their skills, being reckless to impress, etc.
Being Unpredictable
The key to road safety when driving on a highway or a busy road is to be predictable for the other drivers. New drivers expose themselves and others to risks by behaving in an unpredictable manner, whether they do this intentionally or not.
Driving While Tired
Young drivers are more likely to have an active social life and to attend night events and parties. Being young and having fun may take a toll on your sleeping pattern, leaving you with little energy to spare in the morning. Tired drivers are a danger to the road.
Choosing the Wrong Car
It may seem like a far stretch, but there are car models that are more suited for experienced drivers, and they are often chosen by beginners too, because of their design or brand. A lot of new drivers choose cars that are too powerful, don’t have enough visibility or lack safety features.
Being Distracted
Texting and driving is a big no-no for any driver, but many distractions on the road are out of the driver’s control. A new driver should avoid even small distractions, as they interfere with the focus he needs. These distractions include conversations with or between other passengers, taking calls, loud music, eating or smoking while driving, etc.
Engaging in Risky Behavior
This might be a characteristic of young drivers, but since most people get their license while in their teens, we may include it in our list of risks associated with new drivers. Peer pressure and teen exuberance can lead to risky behavior, but being behind the wheel takes this to a different level of dangerous.
As you can see, these are mistakes that could be made by any driver, but what makes new drivers a risky group is that they are most likely to make these errors. Driving takes a lot of skills, and only by practicing you can internalize the rules of the road, the controls of the car and good, preventive behavior while you are on the road with other participants.
Being aware of the road safety rules and statistics should serve as a motivator to stay sober and calm behind the wheel, not compromise your safety by being distracted or tired and learning as much as you can about what to do in certain situations. Drive safely!
If despite taking the necessary precautions you find yourself involved in an auto accident, get in touch with an experienced St. Louis car accident lawyer 24/7 at (314) 361-4242 to ensure your legal rights are protected.