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Car Accidents Increase Around Christmas – Here’s Why


Christmas and New Year’s are not just times of cheer and joy. There are various increased risks during these holidays, and they include a higher chance of being in a car accident.

christmas car accident st louis

Winter holidays are many people’s favorite time of the year. You get to spend time with your family, maybe visit relatives living far away or you get a chance to unwind by traveling to a tourist destination. However, Christmas and New Year’s are not just times of cheer and joy. There are various increased risks during these holidays, and they include a higher chance of being in a car accident. Here’s why.

Driving Under the Influence

Holiday cheer sometimes means getting buzzed or drunk. As statistics show, there is a significant number of drivers who think getting behind the wheel after having a few drinks is acceptable. Unfortunately, no matter how good of a driver you are when sober, if you are under the influence of alcohol or other behavior-altering substances, you will likely have slower reactions, make poor decisions and are more reckless.

Never drive under the influence of alcohol. This is one of the leading causes of car accidents, particularly fatal ones.

More Cars Than Usual Will Be on the Road

Many people will travel for the holidays. Whether it’s children visiting their parents or people going to touristic destinations for their Christmas celebration, there will be more cars on the road than usual. On top of this, many drivers will only make these trips during holidays, which means they don’t know the surroundings as well as the locals, and they may be in a hurry or drive while drowsy.

Stress Can Lead to Accidents, and Holidays Can Be Stressful

Christmas is not all merry, as people often struggle with the associated expenses or with dealing with their extended family. There are many reasons why someone might be stressed during Christmas, and this will show in their ability to practice cautious driving. Road rage and tense drivers will often make hasty decisions, ignore safety rules and can cause accidents more easily.

Delayed Car Maintenance

As you might very well know, December is an expensive month. With all the additional expenses, many people will delay their car maintenance, which can lead to an accident. Many times, their excuse is that they only have one road trip for the whole month, and they didn’t believe that car maintenance was needed. But when you are dealing with snowy or icy roads, low temperatures, increased traffic, and all the other factors combined, you want to have your car in top shape.

Christmas is just around the corner. Most likely, you will be using your car around this time, so make sure to remember that cautious driving can save lives. Choose the best times to travel and keep it to a minimum to decrease the chances of being involved in a car accident yourself.

Free Consultation with a St. Louis Car Accident Lawyer

Don’t talk to an insurance claims adjuster before speaking with The Hoffmann Law Firm, L.L.C. We can help you avoid making statements that may affect the outcome of your case. The consultation is free; you don’t pay unless we get you money!

Updated: December 18, 2019