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Child Injuries: 4 Things You Need to Know After an Auto Accident


No matter how relaxed your parenting style is, events like auto accidents are never to be taken lightly.

child injuries in a car accident

Being a parent involves being aware of the possible dangers that might affect your child and trying your best to prevent them or to be prepared for them. No matter how relaxed your parenting style is, events like auto accidents are never to be taken lightly.

Traffic accidents are the number one cause of child deaths in the US. Road safety should be a top priority for any parent or caregiver. Being aware of what to do in such an event is also important, as tragedies may happen even if you take preventive measures.

We have listed four of the things you should know in case your child suffers injuries from a car accident.

Injuries Are Not Always Visible Immediately after the Accident

Getting the child checked thoroughly by a doctor is imperative, as not all injuries are visible at the scene of the accident. Internal injuries can be fatal, especially if they are not detected in time. Internal bleeding or a punctured lung are life-threatening, and the child may be in such a shock that they don’t feel pain or cannot express their suffering.

Having your child checked by a doctor is also an essential step for any legal claim you may have after the accident. Make sure to keep every medical document you receive and always tell the doctors that they are dealing with a car accident.

Children Are More Prone to Serious Injuries Than Adults

An accident which would cause minor injuries to an adult may be more dangerous to an infant or a toddler. Children are more susceptible to serious injuries following a car accident, as their skeletal system is underdeveloped, the proportion of the head is much bigger to the rest of the body, and built-in car safety features are not enough to protect their bodies. This leads us to the following point.

Using the Right Restraining System for Your Child When Traveling by Car Is Crucial

This is something you need to know from the moment you step out of the hospital with your newborn: only travel with children by car if they are properly secured in the right restraining system. Besides selecting the right car seat or seat booster for your child, you need to make sure it’s compliant with state laws. Also, it’s highly recommended that you only buy new car seats and that you check their expiration date.

Speak With a Car Injury Lawyer to Handle Your Case and Pursue a Claim on Behalf of Your Child

Because your minor child cannot file a claim for themselves, you need to pursue a claim on their behalf, as their guardian. Speak with an experienced St. Louis car injury lawyer who has had child cases before. It’s very important to ensure that all medical expenses can be covered and that your child will be compensated for their suffering.

Being involved in a car accident can be nerve-wracking, especially if there are kids in the vehicle. Knowing what to do and except can make a significant difference. Call The Hoffmann Law Firm, L.L.C. today at (314) 361-4242 for a FREE case evaluation.

Updated: October 1, 2019